Last Christmas we knew we would have a house full and we always wanted a bed in our dining room. We are not a formal couple so it shouldn't surprise anyone that knows us that we are weird.
The wood was bought by son who needed a place to store it. It has been in the way sitting for a good long while as it dried out. It seemed like a good idea to use it and so I did!
I had lots of ideas on how to build it, and I probably would still be designing but I ran out of time and went with a quick and easy build. Nothing fancy, but it is strong!We knew we did not want a box spring and so I made a platform using 1X8's. This turned out to the perfect size, I did not have to rip any boards to make it work. Did I mention I am lazy?
When it was time to put it together, I had lots of help. Actually, I think my son and daughter-in-law helped more to have a place to sleep than anything.
It must be a good design as far as structure goes, it has not budged since it was installed and some say it looks good too. They are being kind of course.