Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Home Stretch

Some days are just fun. Today we made it to the home stretch. The door is sanded and glued up, the drawer fronts have been selected and cut to size. Perhaps we will get this wedding present done in time. Only 11 drawers to cut dovetails for. No problem, oh I have to hang the door, cut the mortise for the lock, stain and oil it, glue the feet on... well maybe I have a bit of work to do. I have two more
Saturdays, I can do it.

Drawer Fronts being sized.
The door is glued!

Getting there!
My Finish Sander.

My son tuning up my Grandfather's Stanley #6.

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Door

The last three days has been a challenge for me. To build the door I first needed to resaw boards to make the stiles and rails. I also resawed the board for the bookmatched panels.
Hand planning to thickness was called for because the curly maple did not plane well. This was not too bad but I am sore.
My son helped out by chopping out the mortises for me while I cut the tenons.
Today I cut the panels and now I am ready for glue.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

My Son Came to Work

Today was a good day. First day of our Thanksgiving Break and it was nice. My son came in to town and he helped me mill the wood for the door and drawer fronts to the Spice Box. It took some time to figure out how I wanted to cut the board to get the best figure for the door panels. I think it is going to be nice. We planed them down and with each stroke of the plane the grain looked better.

Book Matched with practice door stiles and rails.
My son working on the door panels.
I felt a bit like Tom Sawyer with the planing. He wanted to help and well, I have plenty to plane so help he did.
Top of Chest. Tops of Dovetailed tails.
Curly Maple for the door, This will be book matched.
Spice chest ready for the door and drawers.