This is a long sordid tale about how this work bench evolved. Okay, it is not sordid, whatever that means. The top is from a 4' wide solid core door. I bought it for, I think for $5.00 some 20 years ago at a lumber yard that since has gone under, thanks to big orange.
It started out as a 4'x 7' workbench. It was a beast to move around, but then I was younger and stronger. After a couple of years of service in my first shop, we moved to a new location. I don't remember all of where it has been since, sometimes doing duty as bench, then a make shift desk until my wife said it had to go. I think when it was a desk, I cut the top down to a more manageable size. (I was older and the thing had gotten heavier.)
Lately, it has returned to the work shop. I don't really have room for it, but it came in handy when I was building the blanket chest last year. A couple weeks ago I was playing around with the placement of tools and benches, part of the hobby, and decided to raise the height and try something new.
Looking around in the scrap bend I found some 2 x 6's and raised the top, in the process making a nice area to store my hand planes. (I had them on the wall, but my shoulders don't like picking up things that are heavy above my head. What is that all about?)
So far I like the new arrangement, especially when sharpening.